While little publicized, it is nonetheless true that for every cavity, root canal, or pulled tooth, the Tooth Fairy pays one late night visit, during which she roots through couch cushions and laundry baskets, retrieving loose change from our less dentally fastidious populace. Every 22nd of August, she balances her books and purchases for herself a brand new tutu.
Another brilliant addition to your series.
No way that pizza slice would stay there if that was my dog.
flat out love this. conceptually, technically, color, This piece... this entire series is such a pleasure to go over again and again.
Mr. Ballinger, I believe you've outed me as a non-pet owner. Dang.
Still, thanks sooo much, all!
hey, not sure if you remember me or not, but I interviewed you last year and did a report on you for school. heard you're working at Uarts now! I actually would have had you as a teacher if I would have signed up for a different section of illustration. see you around!
Oh, that's funny, Nina! Yes, I recall our interview, and was just talking with one of your compadres yesterday.
See you around...
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