ink and gouache, 9"x12"
When asked to join in an online club of cartoonists, illustrators and animators called "Drawer Geeks" with the promise of biweekly random assignments, how could one possibly say no? How could one resist the gleeful clicking of heels and a quick girlish squeal?
This is my first contribution, or at least the first I managed to finish on time. Knowing almost nothing about the samurai outside of video game I once played in 1988, I thought limiting my research to an hour peering at such men of mystery photographed in the 1800s would be far more honest than trying to get any of the ancient armor right. I gathered at least that they didn't smile a whole bunch, but were prone to fabulous coiffures and some very cool high domed woven hats, the sort of haberdashery I, personally, could never pull off.
It is unfortunate, however, that a sheathed pair of samurai swords from almost any angle looks like an act of sepuku.
Adam---You found me on Blogger! I checked my poor neglected blog---finally---and was surprised and delighted to see your kind note. So, here I am visiting. And it's got me thinking: Enough with the historical fiction! We need to find you a story with some quirky fantastical elements. And/or a grandma on a motorcycle. In addition, nothing against dear Joanne or anything, but I'm tired of letting all the OTHER Tricycle editors work with you. I will redouble my efforts to steal you away from their clutches....
(insert little smiley icon here)
Thanks, Abi. You must know I'd be totally down with that.
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