Friday, June 10, 2011

Cobbled together.

15" x 22," oil on paper.

I still can't tell you much about this project, except that it comes out next year, and the main character is not a croquet prodigy who interns in his youth as an apothecary. 



Tom said...

It's beautiful! I love seeing your work.

Leanne Franson said...

Your work is just amazing. I like seeing it in the rough thumb, sketch and finals stages. Wonderful attention to detail, I love the muted palette, and the lighting.

Porl Gordon said...

I agree, seeing even just a bit of the process is inspiring and educational, you rule.

Adam said...

Thanks, guys. I'm pretty happy with how the whole book is slowly turning out, which doesn't hurt either. When it's all done, I'll post a few more spoilers with some process shop talk thrown in.

As the Crowe Flies and Reads said...

Hi, Adam--

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. You and I met at the Peachtree Booth at BEA this year and chatted for a while. I very much admire both the sketches and finished work that you've shown here. Even if he didn't apprentice to an apothecary.